MetaSpace and StackMapTable

David Holmes david.holmes at
Thu Jun 11 02:35:43 UTC 2020

Hi John,

Re-directing to hotspot-runtime-dev. Please drop the discuss mailing 
list in replies.


On 11/06/2020 6:03 am, john bergin wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm generating a bunch of classes at run-time with ASM (which automatically
> generates StackMapTable attributes) and when all the classes are
> loaded the *MethodAll
> *(bytecodes, StackMapTable, ...) column from *jmap -clstats *tells me that
> all classes account for about 100MB. When I generate the same classes with
> ASM but tell it *not* to compute the StackMapTable attributes and I switch
> class verification off (-noverify) *MethodAll* reduces to 55MB.
> I'm interested to know:
>   - does the JVM free memory held in MetaSpace by StackMapTable attributes
> after class verification and a full GC? My testing shows it doesn't.
>   - is it possible to generate one StackMapTable entry for each method that
> would satisfy the verifier? I had a quick look at the code and it doesn't
> seem possible *ClassVerifier::verify_stackmap_table *
> Thanks,
> John.

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