RFR: 8254335: logging/logStream.hpp includes memory/resourceArea.hpp but doesn't need it

Ioi Lam iklam at openjdk.java.net
Sat Oct 10 07:29:12 UTC 2020

On Fri, 9 Oct 2020 22:03:59 GMT, Daniel D. Daugherty <dcubed at openjdk.org> wrote:

> While cleaning up the logging in Erik's new code for:
>     JDK-8253064 monitor list simplifications and getting rid of TSM
> I noticed that logging/logStream.hpp includes memory/resourceArea.hpp
> but doesn't need it.
> That include was added to logging/logStream.hpp by:
>     JDK-8153659 Create a CHeap backed LogStream class
> but logging/logStream.hpp has since evolved to no longer
> use ResourceMarks in the header file. Looks like that work
> was done via:
>     JDK-8181917: Refactor UL LogStreams to avoid using resource area
> Of course, removing the include of memory/resourceArea.hpp reveals
> other code that uses ResourceMark(s), but never bothered to include
> memory/resourceArea.hpp.

Marked as reviewed by iklam (Reviewer).


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/584

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