Integrated: 8253464: ARM32 Zero: atomic_copy64 is incorrect, breaking volatile stores

Aleksey Shipilev shade at
Wed Sep 23 16:55:37 UTC 2020

On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 14:12:42 GMT, Aleksey Shipilev <shade at> wrote:

> There is a regression introduced by addition of ARMv7-specific block by JDK-8211387. It readily manifests as crash
> during jcstress initialization, and investigation points at broken volatile stores. Reverting JDK-8211387 from head JDK
> makes ARM32 start and run jcstress.  The underlying reason seems to be the half-done `atomic_copy64`: it does the load
> with exclusive load, but then defers to the C++ store. Somewhere during handing over the value from the asm load to C++
> store and/or C++ store itself, we garble the value. The way out is to implement the whole thing in asm.   Also see
> `StubGenerator::generate_atomic_load_long` and `StubGenerator::generate_atomic_store_long` in `stubGenerator_arm.cpp`,
> that do roughly the same thing and were the basis for this implementation.  Attention @theRealAph, @bulasevich.
> Testing:
>  - [x] ARM32 Linux zero release jcstress run

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: c21690b5
Author:    Aleksey Shipilev <shade at>
Stats:     17 lines in 1 file changed: 8 ins; 0 del; 9 mod

8253464: ARM32 Zero: atomic_copy64 is incorrect, breaking volatile stores

Reviewed-by: aph



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