RFR: 8247666: Support Lambda proxy classes in static CDS archive

Calvin Cheung ccheung at openjdk.java.net
Fri Sep 25 19:06:12 UTC 2020

Following up on archiving lambda proxy classes in dynamic CDS archive
([JDK-8198698](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8198698)), this RFE adds the functionality of archiving of
lambda proxy classes in static CDS archive.

When the -XX:DumpLoadedClassList is enabled, the constant pool index related to LambdaMetafactory that are resolved
during application execution will be included in the classlist. The entry for a lambda proxy class in a class list will
be of the following format:

`@lambda-proxy: <classname> <cp index>`

`@lambda-proxy: test/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandlesGeneralTest 233`
`@lambda-proxy: test/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandlesGeneralTest 355`

When dumping a CDS archive using the -Xshare:dump and -XX:ExtraSharedClassListFile options, when the above
`@lambda-proxy` entry is encountered while parsing the classlist, we will resolve the corresponding constant pool
indices (233 and 355 in the above example). As a result, lambda proxy classes will be generated for the constant pool
entries, and will be cached using a similar mechanism to JDK-8198698.

During dumping, there is check on the cp index and on the created BootstrapInfo using the cp index. VM will exit with
an error message if the check has failed.

During runtime when looking up a lambda proxy class, the lookup will be perform on the static CDS archive and if not
found, then lookup from the dynamic archive if one is specified.

(Only name change (IsDynamicDumpingEnabled -> IsCDSDumpingEnabled) is involved in the core-libs code.)

Testing: tiers 1,2,3,4.

Performance results (javac on HelloWorld on linux-x64):
Results of " perf stat -r 40 bin/javac -J-Xshare:on -J-XX:SharedArchiveFile=javac2.jsa Bench_HelloWorld.java "
   1:   2228016795  2067752708 (-160264087)      -----    377.760   349.110 (-28.650)      -----
   2:   2223051476  2063016483 (-160034993)      -----    374.580   350.620 (-23.960)      ----
   3:   2225908334  2067673847 (-158234487)      -----    375.220   350.990 (-24.230)      ----
   4:   2225835999  2064596883 (-161239116)      -----    374.670   349.840 (-24.830)      ----
   5:   2226005510  2061694332 (-164311178)      -----    373.512   351.120 (-22.392)      ----
   6:   2225574949  2062657482 (-162917467)      -----    374.710   348.380 (-26.330)      -----
   7:   2224702424  2064634122 (-160068302)      -----    373.670   349.510 (-24.160)      ----
   8:   2226662277  2066301134 (-160361143)      -----    375.350   349.790 (-25.560)      ----
   9:   2226761470  2063162795 (-163598675)      -----    374.260   351.290 (-22.970)      ----
  10:   2230149089  2066203307 (-163945782)      -----    374.760   350.620 (-24.140)      ----
        2226266109  2064768307 (-161497801)      -----    374.848   350.126 (-24.722)      ----
instr delta =   -161497801    -7.2542%
time  delta =      -24.722 ms -6.5951%


Commit messages:
 - fix extraneous whitespace
 - 8247666 (initial commit)

Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/364/files
 Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=364&range=00
  Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8247666
  Stats: 1682 lines in 30 files changed: 1613 ins; 12 del; 57 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/364.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk pull/364/head:pull/364

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/364

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