RFR: 8266576: dynamicArchive/ParallelLambdaLoadTest.java crashes in tier2 testing

Yumin Qi minqi at openjdk.java.net
Fri May 7 21:58:27 UTC 2021

On Fri, 7 May 2021 00:08:53 GMT, Yumin Qi <minqi at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Hi, Please review
>   In dynamic dump, the lambda invoker holder classes are regenerated in DynamicArchive::dump, which is after shutdown hook executed. The returned objects from the regeneration may contain invalid contents which caused crash like in this bug. It is late to execute java code, the fix is to move the call into MetaspaceShared::link_and_cleanup_shared_classes which is before shutdown hook, before halt.
>   JDK-8266585 and JDK-8266594 failed in different patterns, could be the same reason.
>   Tests: tier1,tier2
> Thanks
> Yumin

Since the original fix is backed out, closed this PR without further progress, the redo of original bug will take care of this issue.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3910

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