Java SE 8 (JSR 337) Final Release: Draft RI and TCK updated

mark.reinhold at mark.reinhold at
Tue Jan 28 21:07:06 PST 2014

An updated draft Reference Implementation is available here:

This is based on JDK 8 build 126; the previous was build 121.

The draft TCK has also been updated, to JCK 8 build 40.  You can
access it via the instructions you previously received.

There are a small number of known TCK failures, as documented in the
"known failures list" delivered with the TCK (jck8b40-jdk8b126.kfl).
If you run the TCK, provide that file as an exclude list in order to
skip the problematic tests.  Those tests will be omitted from the
final JCK 8 build, and other than documentation fixes that should be
the only JCK change relative to JDK 8 build 40.

I expect to post a minor update to the draft Specification shortly,
and I'd like to allow at least an additional week for feedback on
that, so if you wish to run the TCK against the RI in your local
environment you should have plenty of time.

- Mark

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