Question about @inheritDoc

Kharbas, Kishor kishor.kharbas at
Fri Apr 26 23:51:00 UTC 2019

Ah, I see. Thanks for the info!


From: Jonathan Gibbons [mailto:jonathan.gibbons at]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 4:46 PM
To: javadoc-dev at; Kharbas, Kishor <kishor.kharbas at>
Subject: Re: Question about @inheritDoc


This looks like an instance of a recent change to javadoc to not repeat the documentation when it would be an exact copy of the inherited documentation. The change was made to avoid methods being spuriously documented when the method is overridden to provide a different implementation without changing the specification.

If you modify the doc comment to include more text than just `{@inheritDoc}, you should see the modified documentation appearing in your generated docs.

If you want the old behavior, use the following option, listed in the command line help

    --override-methods (detail|summary)
                  Document overridden methods in the detail or summary sections

-- Jon

On 04/26/2019 04:36 PM, Kharbas, Kishor wrote:
I am working on the panama project in OpenJDK where I have used @inheritDoc for the overridden methods. The generated Javadoc although does not inherit the Javadoc from superclass method.

An example is,
add(Vector<Integer> v) in line 467
overriding add(Vector<E> v) in line 317

You can see the generated Javadoc at<>

Am I missing something? Any option that needs to be used while Javadoc generation?


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