RFR: 8194717 : JDK 10 L10n resource file update - msg drop 10

Ludovic HOCHET lhochet at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 23:35:13 UTC 2018

I found an additional issue in launcher_fr.properties, some ' (single
quotes) are not doubled and thus don't show when the command is run.

By the way, when the command is ran the {0} for are not replaced for
--module-path and --upgrade-module-path.


On 15 January 2018 at 00:11, Ludovic HOCHET <lhochet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Leo,
> I've had a look at the _fr files.
> Only one issue introduced in launcher_fr.properties:
> 37 : "-Xbootclasspath/a :<répertoires", there shouldn't be a space.
> Other than that in that same file there are some parts that I would
> write differently:
> 33: "chemin de recherche de classe de répertoires et de fichiers
> ZIP/JAR", this looks odd to me, I'd say "chemin de recherche de
> classes" leaving out the type of elements of the path to the text 2
> lines after
>     "Liste distincte {0} de répertoires", I'd say "Liste, avec
> séparateur {0}, de répertoires"
>     "chemin de module", I'd use plural for module "chemin de modules",
> likewise for "répertoire de module"
>     "répertorier les modules observables et quitter", I'd use the
> conjugated form "répertorie ... quitte" (and may be "liste" instead of
> "répertorie"), likewise for the other commands actions verbs as is
> also done by the keytool tool
>     "la configuration système de module", I'd say "la configuration du
> système de modules"
> 38: "dans des fichiers ou répertoires JAR", should be "dans des
> fichiers JAR ou des répertoires "
> And in keytool/Resources_fr.java:
> 138: "ne pas inviter", I'd use "ne pas demander"
> Ludovic
> On 12 January 2018 at 08:08, Leo Jiang <li.jiang at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Any other feedback? Our goal for msg drop 10 is to integrate them before
>> RDP2.
>> Thanks,
>> Leo
>> On 01/10/2018 02:26 PM, Leo Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Please help to review the changes for L10n resource file update message
>>> drop 10. This is the first message drop for JDK 10 L10n resource file
>>> update, we will run next drops in forthcoming weeks.
>>> Some localized resource files are updated as English resource changed,
>>> some just because of bug fix, e.g. in awt_de.properties revert text to Entf
>>> for shortcut.
>>> Bug:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8194717
>>> Webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ljiang/MsgDrop-8194717/webrev.00/
>>> Have got build and passed the tier1/2/3 test on all platforms on Mach 5.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Leo
> --
> Ludovic
> -----------------------------------------
> "Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
>  si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
>  Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
>  [The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
>  if their thoughts unite to build a universe]


"Les formes qui differencient les etres importent peu
 si leur pensees s'unissent pour batir un univers..."
 Yoko Tsuno (in 'Les titans' by Roger Leloup)
 [The shapes that differenciate beings are not important
 if their thoughts unite to build a universe]

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