markdown source for manpages in the jdk source tree

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Oct 14 22:06:46 UTC 2020

Hi Jonathon,

On 12/10/2020 11:48 pm, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> Hello,
> I was investigating some bugs in manpages in the backports projects
> (jdk8u, jdk11) and I was very pleased to discover that the main project
> sources had moved to a Pandoc-based generation scheme¹ in 2018.
> I started exploring the feasibility of backporting this to jdk11 (and/or
> jdk8u) when I realised that the Markdown sources for the documentation
> were not committed at the same time. And as best as I can determine, or
> since. However: the *output* of the Pandoc generation process has had
> patches applied to them². (I don't know whether those changes are
> reflected in the Markdown sources).
> Can anyone tell me please whether this is by accident, or design? And in
> either case, are the Markdown sources publically available somewhere, or
> could they be?

The mardown source for the manpages is not currently open-source but is 
maintained by Oracle. That source is used to generate the nroff manpages 
that appear in the OpenJDK repo. That regeneration can happen as changes 
get made, or at the end of the release cycle e.g see:


> ¹ git commit 2ddd78e8259652c7c88a5bb7150d7b6ab0e089e2
> ² e.g. 27c77d3d29184fb052a3803984222ac2ea10a816,
>      9ec4001d87fef63d9985747ee4852398c7479889,
>      922ba8da30d4ab8007837e40c3e48acf700439ab
> Thanks!

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