JEP proposed to target JDK 17: 411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed May 26 07:05:51 UTC 2021

On 25/05/2021 09:53, Alan Bateman wrote:
> The PR with the changes is work-in-progress so I guess Geertjan must 
> have grabbed the PR and did some testing. Early testing is good and 
> well constructed bug reports are always welcome. In this case, there 
> seems to be a fix to Eclipse Equinox in the works [1] as it didn't 
> support the "allow" and "disallow" values that were added in JDK 12.

Just to follow-up on this. Max Wang from the security group dug into the 
NB usages of this Eclipse library. It turns out NB patches this code 
already and Max only needed to change one line to get it to handle the 
"allow" value added in JDK 12. With that fix, NB starts okay with as expected. Hopefully the NB maintainers 
will be able to include the fix in their next release. The upstream 
Eclipse project have committed a fix too. So I think all good on this 
issue. Hopefully there will wider testing with the EA builds when the 
changes are integrated.


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