Review Request: Warnings cleanup in and its subpackages

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Mon Dec 5 08:44:45 PST 2011

Some trivial comments:
     L172 - L178, you can use 'for(Counter c: counters)' and remove
     subsequent redundant cases.
     L76, cast to (Class<?) ???

Some of the public classes have API changes. Are these classes in any 
way supported? Some have Javadoc comments that would make me think this, 
but maybe not given the name space.


On 02/12/2011 23:09, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this webrev that cleans warnings in and its
> subpackages. These packages are now warning-free I believe.
> Looking forward to your comments. I have used the serialver tool to
> generate all the serial version UIDs that I have added.
> Thanks,
> Kurchi

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