Getting jdk7 changes into jdk8

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Mon Jun 6 16:38:36 PDT 2011

Some questions have come up with regards to how the jdk7 changes will be pulled into jdk8.

Please be careful here, we do NOT want new changesets created in jdk8 for the exact same change
that was pushed into jdk7, we want the EXACT same jdk7 changeset in jdk8, not a re-creation.
The default behavior for 'hg import' is to re-create a new changeset (unless you use --exact).
This might sound like a silly difference, but it is actually very important.

If you re-create changesets for the same CR number, your integrator will be in a world of hurt when he/she
finds out that they cannot sync with the master jdk8 repos because of the same CR was used in 2 different

The Release Engineering team will likely be doing syncs between jdk7 and jdk8 at jdk7 promotions or
maybe nightly, so unless you are in some kind or urgent hurry, please just let RE do this jdk7->jdk8 sync.


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