[8u40] Request for Approval: 8055186: Backport Nashorn optimistic typing to 8u repository

Attila Szegedi attila.szegedi at oracle.com
Tue Aug 19 07:58:27 UTC 2014


I'm looking to backport JEP 196 (Nashorn Optimistic Typing) from the OpenJDK 9 repository to the 8u repository for 8u40 release. Since the implementation in the 9 repo is contained across many changesets (not even linearizable - there are merges), I created a separate JIRA issue for the backporting work (this approach was suggested to me by both Stuart Marks and Joe Darcy), and prepared a single backport changeset. It is basically a diff between current 9 and 8 tip (modulo version number strings), as there is nothing in Nashorn's 9 repo at the moment that is above and beyond of what should go in the 8 repo.

The diff contains a large number of new tests too that were added in the 9 repo as part of every individual changeset, and they all pass when backported.

The diff was prepared before JEP 201 Modular Source Code was pushed to 9 and as such is still valid to backport to 8 as-is (also, the JEP 201 push only affected a single file in Nashorn source tree, namely make/BuildNashorn.gmk, which is not affected by this backport at all).

JIRA issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8055186
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~attila/8055186/webrev.00
Review: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2014-August/003264.html

Thank you,

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