[8u40] Request for Approval: 8055186: Backport Nashorn optimistic typing to 8u repository

Attila Szegedi attila.szegedi at oracle.com
Tue Aug 19 13:45:33 UTC 2014

On Aug 19, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Seán Coffey <sean.coffey at oracle.com> wrote:

> Attila,
> quite a sizeable change!

Indeed it is. That's a consequence of JEP 196 "Nahorn Optimistic Typing" being worked on in the JDK9 tree for long period of time before it being greenlighted for inclusion in 8u40, as well as of the fact that optimistic typing itself ended up being a fairly big architectural change for Nashorn.

> Pushing the changes under one umbrella ID will mean that nashorn bug fixes in both JDK 8u and 9 will only "appear" to be fixed in JDK 9 only from JBS records. Ideally - I think a backport of the individual changesets is more the normal approach.
> Could you use your current changeset and mention all bug IDs fixed in the commit comment (one per line) ? That should improve matters. I'll leave it up to the nashorn team and yourself to decide if your current approach is the best one possible.

Sure; we discussed the approach with the team before I embarked on preparing the changeset – as I mentioned, I also took the opportunity while in Santa Clara for the JVM Language Summit to also ask several long-serving OpenJDK reviewers' advice on how to proceed with this backport. I have collected the IDs (everything in 9 not in 8) – there is 120 of them. (I was assured by Joe Darcy that "our jcheck regex will hold".)

> The tests also contain code that is unsuitable for OpenJDK and some copyrights are missing. Would be good to get these issues fixed up before approval.

We have identified some unnecessary scripts used as auxiliary development tools in the bin directory that are no longer needed, and I have removed them. (They are the ones without copyrights.) Additionally, I have removed non-OpenJDK suitable content from the remaining scripts, the differences to the original changeset can be seen in <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~attila/8055186/webrev.01>

Finally, test/examples/apply_to_call_benchmark.js didn't have a copyright; I fixed that too. That is all we could discover that needed additional fixing.

Thank you,

> regards,
> Sean.
> On 19/08/2014 08:58, Attila Szegedi wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I'm looking to backport JEP 196 (Nashorn Optimistic Typing) from the OpenJDK 9 repository to the 8u repository for 8u40 release. Since the implementation in the 9 repo is contained across many changesets (not even linearizable - there are merges), I created a separate JIRA issue for the backporting work (this approach was suggested to me by both Stuart Marks and Joe Darcy), and prepared a single backport changeset. It is basically a diff between current 9 and 8 tip (modulo version number strings), as there is nothing in Nashorn's 9 repo at the moment that is above and beyond of what should go in the 8 repo.
>> The diff contains a large number of new tests too that were added in the 9 repo as part of every individual changeset, and they all pass when backported.
>> The diff was prepared before JEP 201 Modular Source Code was pushed to 9 and as such is still valid to backport to 8 as-is (also, the JEP 201 push only affected a single file in Nashorn source tree, namely make/BuildNashorn.gmk, which is not affected by this backport at all).
>> JIRA issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8055186
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~attila/8055186/webrev.00
>> Review: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nashorn-dev/2014-August/003264.html
>> Thank you,
>>   Attila.

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