jdk9-b04: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Fri Feb 28 16:17:14 PST 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-4515292   core-svc        ReferenceType.isStatic() returns true for arrays
JDK-4682009   core-libs       Typo in javadocs in javax/naming
JDK-4910483   tools           Javadoc renders the string ".*\\.pdf" as ".\*\.pdf"
JDK-6411385   tools           Trees.getPath does not work for constructors
JDK-6457406   docs            javadoc doesn't handle <a href='http://...'> properly in producing index pages
JDK-6545422   tools           TEST BUG: NativeErrors.java uses wrong path name in exec
JDK-6656031   core-svc        SA: jmap -permstat number of classes is off by 1
JDK-6791551   core-svc        ExclusiveBind.java has a race condition
JDK-6857566   core-libs       (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation
JDK-6952105   core-svc        TEST_BUG: testcase failure, not very often, com/sun/jdi/SuspendThreadTest.java
JDK-6991197   hotspot         G1: specialize deal_with_reference() for narrowOop*
JDK-7052625   core-libs       com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/Test.java fails intermittently
JDK-7071069   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Closed HS tests need to be updated for MacOS
JDK-7129980   infrastructure  THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME need to be updated with JDK8
JDK-7152892   other-libs      some jtreg tests fail with permission denied
JDK-7182040   hotspot         volano29 limited by os resource on Linux - need better diagnostic message
JDK-8000527   core-svc        closed/sun/management/snmp/generic/GenericTest.sh fails intermittently
JDK-8005262   hotspot         possible gamma launcher issues
JDK-8007897   infrastructure  Problems cleaning up a file named build/window<whatever>/jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the..
JDK-8011964   core-libs       need indexed access to externally-managed ByteBuffer
JDK-8016644   hotspot         Improve UnsupportedClassVersionError message
JDK-8020129   hotspot         Test closed/vm/gc/InfiniteList.java requires tuning.
JDK-8022203   hotspot         Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof
JDK-8022852   core-libs       Fix serial javac warnings in ArrayPrefixHelpers
JDK-8023022   other-libs      Some more typos in javadoc
JDK-8024366   hotspot         Make UseNUMA enable UseNUMAInterleaving
JDK-8024451   security-libs   Closed RandomOfKlimaOnRSAPremaster.java test fails on Solaris X86
JDK-8025708   security-libs   Certificate Path Building problem with AKI serial number
JDK-8025841   hotspot         JVMTI: "vtable stub" dynamic code notification is misplaced
JDK-8026115   globalization   [zh_CN] inproper translation in output of jarsigner command
JDK-8026741   globalization   jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
JDK-8026849   hotspot         Fix typos in the GC code, part 2
JDK-8027113   hotspot         decouple the '-XXaltjvm=<path>' option from the gamma launcher
JDK-8027289   core-libs       [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
JDK-8027810   core-libs       TEST_BUG: RMI CheckUsage tests should be deleted
JDK-8028073   hotspot         race condition in ObjectMonitor implementation causing deadlocks
JDK-8028254   hotspot         gc/arguments/TestMinInitialErgonomics.java failed with unexpected initial heap size
JDK-8028711   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Shell tests should pass through VM options
JDK-8028735   hotspot         runtime/RedefineObject/TestRedefineObject.java interrupted (timed out?) on solaris_sparcv9-fastdebug-c2-runtime and solaris_x64-debugOpen-c2-runtime
JDK-8028770   infrastructure  LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
JDK-8029145   tools           javadoc fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: endPosTable already set
JDK-8029235   infrastructure  Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository for 2013
JDK-8029775   hotspot         Improve Solaris OS support
JDK-8029876   core-libs       Add a test to verify that Logger.getLogger & LogManager.getLogManager don't throw NPE  when System.out == null
JDK-8029944   core-libs       Primitive Stream reduce method documentation pseudo code misidentifies apply method
JDK-8030010   core-libs       cleanup native code warnings 
JDK-8030350   infrastructure  Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
JDK-8030714   tools           The steps attribute, flow and desugar are unnecessary for implicit classes when compiling with -implicit:none
JDK-8030808   hotspot         dtrace/hotspot/Monitors/Monitors001 fails in product builds on solaris-sparc
JDK-8030844   core-libs       sun/rmi/rmic/classpath/RMICClassPathTest.java timeout in same binaries run 
JDK-8030855   tools           Default methods should be visible under source previous to 8
JDK-8031025   security-libs   SQE test CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest/* failed with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
JDK-8031545   tools           [javac] refactor and cleanup JNIWriter.java
JDK-8031588   security-libs   [parfait] warnings from b03 for jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/jgss/wrapper: JNI exception pending
JDK-8031661   core-libs       java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java failed intermittently 
JDK-8031703   hotspot         Missing post-barrier in ReferenceProcessor
JDK-8032010   hotspot         Attempt to resolve abstract method in concrete class fails with AbstractMethodError
JDK-8032012   core-libs       String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase performance improvement
JDK-8032050   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Clean up for java/rmi/activation/Activatable/shutdownGracefully/ShutdownGracefully.java
JDK-8032223   hotspot         nsk/regression/b4663146 gets assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || JvmtiEnv::is_thread_fully_suspended(get_thread(), false, &debug_bits)) 
JDK-8032462   hotspot         Change the linux SDT implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
JDK-8032526   tools           fix the accessibility, html, syntax errors and warnings reported by doclint report in langtools
JDK-8032557   hotspot         (jdk) Add trace event for VM flag changes
JDK-8032632   infrastructure  Wrong version for the first jdk8 fcs build 
JDK-8032771   hotspot         The flag VerifySilently misses a test case
JDK-8032816   infrastructure  JDK8 THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
JDK-8032909   xml             XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes  complementary chars
JDK-8032988   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Nightly testing cleanup: remove obsolete and nonfunctioning jtreg runtime tests from closed repo
JDK-8033106   hotspot         Wrong predicate for checking whether the correct amount of symbol table entries have been processed in G1
JDK-8033114   tools           The values of non-static final fields are printed for the -constants option
JDK-8033126   hotspot         Can't call default methods from JNI
JDK-8033149   hotspot         [TESTBUG] Closed HS tests need to cleanup the BIT_FLAG="-d64"
JDK-8033231   core-libs       test/script/basic/JDK-8026161.js fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
JDK-8033289   hotspot         clang: clean up unused function warning
JDK-8033361   hotspot         Disable TestDefaultPresets.java
JDK-8033366   core-svc        Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
JDK-8033370   core-libs       [parfait] warning from b126 for solaris/native/sun/util/locale/provider: JNI exception pending
JDK-8033421   tools           @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") does not work when overriding deprecated method
JDK-8033426   hotspot         Scale initial NewSize using NewRatio if not set on command line
JDK-8033443   hotspot         Test8000311 fails after latest changes to parallelize string and symbol table unlink
JDK-8033464   hotspot         [parfait] warnings from b128 for hotspot/src/os/linux/vm: buffer overrun
JDK-8033528   hotspot         assert(0 <= i && i < length()) failed: index out of bounds
JDK-8033545   hotspot         Missing volatile specifier in Bitmap::par_put_range_within_word
JDK-8033565   core-libs       Remove unused nativeNewStringPlatform
JDK-8033581   tools           Incorrect comment alignment
JDK-8033590   core-libs       java.util.Comparator::thenComparing has unnecessary type restriction
JDK-8033601   hotspot         G1: Make array chunking use the same length field as the other young GCs
JDK-8033623   infrastructure  Use junit.jar from jtreg installation if needed
JDK-8033686   tools           Internal error for zero indent
JDK-8033711   tools           An exception is thrown if using the "-classpath" option with no arguments 
JDK-8033714   hotspot         hotspot 'install_jvm' bld target broken with ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0
JDK-8033726   tools           StackMapTable does not unindent properly
JDK-8033737   infrastructure  Need to exclude gmk files in jdk/make/closed from licensee source bundle
JDK-8033757   security-libs   Redo JDK-8011983 (due to bad merge with JDK-8031586)
JDK-8033758   core-svc        gcc warnings compiling jdk/src/share/back
JDK-8033763   core-libs       Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
JDK-8033764   hotspot         Remove the usage of StarTask from BufferingOopClosure
JDK-8033778   core-libs       ObjectIn/OutputStream improvements
JDK-8033787   core-svc        [TESTBUG] Few jdk regression management tests should be improved with -XX:+UsePerfData usage
JDK-8033792   hotspot         AltHashing used jint for imprecise bit shifting 
JDK-8033798   tools           javap output has unnecessary trailing whitespace
JDK-8033893   core-libs       jdk build is broken due to the changeset of JDK-8033370
JDK-8033900   security-libs   Remove reference to JNU_Equals in GSSLibStub.c 
JDK-8033911   core-libs       Simplify instrumentation of FileInputStream and RandomAccessFile
JDK-8033913   tools           Incorrect indentation of StackMapTable entries
JDK-8033917   core-libs       Keep track of file paths in file streams and channels for instrumentation purposes
JDK-8033921   infrastructure  alsa library name is asound, not alsa
JDK-8033922   hotspot         G1: Back out 8033601 and go back to use the to-obj for chunked arrays.
JDK-8033923   hotspot         Use BufferingOopClosure for G1 code root scanning
JDK-8033924   core-libs       Default permissions are not given for eval code
JDK-8033930   tools           Unnecessary new line after the StackMapTable
JDK-8033931   hotspot         Several nightly tests failing with assert(imin < imax) failed: Unexpected page size
JDK-8033943   core-libs       Typo in the documentation for the class Arrays
JDK-8033961   tools           Formatting of -Xlint: command line help
JDK-8033980   xml             Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
JDK-8034000   core-libs       TEST_BUG: lack of /othervm option can cause some RMI tests to fail
JDK-8034026   security-libs   SCDynamicStoreConfig.m should not be in src/macosx/native/java/util/
JDK-8034033   security-libs   [parfait] JNI exception pending in share/native/sun/security/krb5/nativeccache.c
JDK-8034043   core-libs       Native methods for preferences API should not be in libjava
JDK-8034046   client-libs     Fix serial lint warnings in javax.sound
JDK-8034050   client-libs     Fix serial lint warnings in javax.print
JDK-8034063   hotspot         Add more tests for JFR IO events
JDK-8034087   xml             XML parser may overwrite element content if that content falls onto the border of an entity scanner buffer
JDK-8034098   infrastructure  Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
JDK-8034102   core-libs       Check solaris/native/sun/nio/fs/MacOSXNativeDispatcher.c for JNI pending exceptions
JDK-8034143   tools           javac, subclasses of Infer.IncorporationStep should implement the accepts() method
JDK-8034146   infrastructure  Update hgforest.sh for new closed tree
JDK-8034148   infrastructure  Parfait report generation fails unexpectedly
JDK-8034173   infrastructure  Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
JDK-8034175   core-libs       Remove use of UseVMInterruptibleIO from tests
JDK-8034176   hotspot         Update mapfile for libjfr
JDK-8034177   core-svc        sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest.java should report port in use
JDK-8034179   infrastructure  Clean up nio genConstants
JDK-8034182   core-libs       Misc. warnings in java.net code
JDK-8034189   hotspot         Add dynamic instrumentation for I/O events
JDK-8034191   infrastructure  Move relevant parts of build system to new closed repo
JDK-8034193   infrastructure  Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
JDK-8034199   infrastructure  Add "reconfigure" target for re-creating a configuration
JDK-8034203   core-svc        Change JavaDoc for com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest.setEnabled(boolean val)
JDK-8034762   security-libs   Move krb5.conf related tests into a single place
JDK-8034769   infrastructure  Move logutil in corba to make/tools
JDK-8034776   core-libs       Remove sun.misc.Service
JDK-8034780   other-libs      Remove unused imports
JDK-8034788   infrastructure  Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
JDK-8034801   core-libs       AIX: (ch) Fix synchronization issue in AixPollPort.java
JDK-8034849   infrastructure  "make source" should output a file containing platform patterns
JDK-8034853   core-libs       Remove sun.misc.ClassLoaderUtil
JDK-8034856   security-libs   gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11
JDK-8034857   core-svc        gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/management
JDK-8034896   core-libs       typo in Clob.free
JDK-8034913   infrastructure  Fix spelling error in documentation for --enable-deploy
JDK-8034932   infrastructure  "make source" fails - .../source-bundles/source-bundle-platform-patterns: cannot create
JDK-8034943   security-libs   Eliminate Kerberos dependency on com.sun.security.auth to avoid circular dependency
JDK-8034979   infrastructure  Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create
JDK-8035061   core-libs       Test closed/java/io/Console/TestConsole.java fail on Mac and Linux
JDK-8035067   infrastructure  Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/CurrencyData.properties to jdk/make/data
JDK-8035076   core-libs       Pattern$BnMS never used due to bug in Pattern$BnM.optimize
JDK-8035105   core-libs       DNS provider cleanups
JDK-8035160   core-libs       [TESTBUG] closed/java/util/TimeZone/LinuxTZVM.sh requires Olson tzdata of a certain version.
JDK-8035364   tools           An extra space in the comments of constant pool entries
JDK-8035395   core-svc        sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest.java fails intermittently: Port already in use
JDK-8035495   infrastructure  Improvements in autoconf integration

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