jdk9-b01: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Tue Jan 14 18:31:36 PST 2014



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-4660158   core-svc        TTY: NumberFormatException while trying to set values by 'set' command
JDK-4891331   core-libs       BigInteger a.multiply(a) should use squaring code
JDK-6605915   core-svc        jinfo -flag <flag name> functionality doesn't work with core files
JDK-6706208   core-libs       (cs) CharsetProvider permission check cleanup
JDK-6772009   core-libs       java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/CancelledLockLoops.java test failed with 'Completed != 2'
JDK-7018010   core-libs       Reference to ProxySelector is without link
JDK-7093640   security-libs   Enable client-side TLS 1.2 by default
JDK-7102702   core-libs       java/net/PortUnreachableException/OneExceptionOnly.java failing
JDK-7168267   core-libs       TEST_BUG: Cleanup of rmi regression tests (activation and others)
JDK-8000961   tools           Change javac source and target default to 9
JDK-8000962   infrastructure  Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
JDK-8005808   core-libs       TEST_BUG: replace usage of JVMCallbackHandler with JavaVM.execute()
JDK-8006617   core-svc        TEST_BUG: closed/sun/management/snmp/tostring/SnmpStringTest.java needs to be fixed to run headless
JDK-8007256   core-libs       TEST_BUG: RMI testlibrary cleanup: remove JavaVMCallbackHandler
JDK-8007967   security-libs   Infinite loop can happen in sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.depthFirstSearchForward()
JDK-8020216   tools           javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned
JDK-8022219   core-libs       Intermittent test failures in java/util/zip/ZipFile
JDK-8022879   core-libs       TEST_BUG: sun/nio/cs/MalformedSurrogates.java fails intermittently
JDK-8023471   core-libs       Add compatibility note to AnnotatedElement
JDK-8024033   tools           [launcher] remove solaris dual mode support
JDK-8025415   security-libs   Test SSLSocketImplThrowsWrongExceptions.java timed out
JDK-8025437   core-libs       Check DefaultProxySelector for JNI pending exception issues
JDK-8026155   core-libs       Enhance ForkJoin pool
JDK-8027063   core-libs       SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
JDK-8027212   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectAfterRead.java fails intermittently
JDK-8027359   xml             XML parser returns incorrect parsing results
JDK-8027536   core-libs       rmic: add deprecation warning message when generating JRMP static stubs/skeletons
JDK-8027903   core-libs        java/net/MulticastSocket/SetGetNetworkInterfaceTest.java throws java.net.SocketException: Cannot assign requested address
JDK-8028235   tools           Better error recovery for parsing 'void' as a type of the lambda parameter
JDK-8028415   tools           TreeMaker.Literal(Object) creates invalid JCLiterals when passed a Character.
JDK-8028430   core-svc        JDI: ReferenceType.visibleMethods() return wrong visible methods
JDK-8028543   core-libs       Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_9
JDK-8028545   tools           Add -source 9 and -target 9 to javac
JDK-8028562   security-libs   Test SSLSocketSSLEngineTemplate.java intermittent failed with "Data length error"
JDK-8028708   tools           TEST_BUG, Tests should pass through VM options, langtools tests
JDK-8028726   core-libs       (prefs) Check src/solaris/native/java/util/FileSystemPreferences.c for JNI pending exceptions
JDK-8028780   security-libs   JDK KRB5 module throws OutOfMemoryError when CCache is corrupt
JDK-8029018   core-libs       (bf) Check src/share/native/java/nio/Bits.c for JNI pending exceptions
JDK-8029055   core-libs       Map.merge must refuse null values
JDK-8029231   infrastructure  Update copyright years for files in corba repository for 2013
JDK-8029236   infrastructure  Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jaxp repository for 2013
JDK-8029240   tools           Default methods not always visible under -source 7
JDK-8029346   core-svc        LowMemoryTestConcMarkSweepGC.sh fails intermittently with timeout
JDK-8029354   core-libs       URLPermission.<init> throws llegalArgumentException: Invalid characters in hostname
JDK-8029379   core-libs       [TEST_BUG] closed/java/util/logging/LoggerInAppContext.java failed on jdk8 b119 PIT
JDK-8029388   tools           java.exe consumes argument intended for launched java class
JDK-8029504   docs            Regression: TestDocRootLink test fails on Windows
JDK-8029513   infrastructure  SwingApplet demo files still found in JDK 8 on Solaris
JDK-8029551   core-libs       Add value-type notice to java.time classes
JDK-8029561   core-libs       Optimization in Integer to string conversion
JDK-8029569   tools           internal javac cast exception when resolving varargs ambiguity
JDK-8029715   core-libs       test needs bugID added to @bug tag
JDK-8029721   tools           javac crash for annotated parameter type of lambda in a field
JDK-8029781   core-libs       Theoretical data race on java.util.logging.Handler.sealed
JDK-8029788   security-libs   Certificate validation - java.lang.ClassCastException
JDK-8029795   core-libs       LinkedHashMap fails to update access order correctly
JDK-8029797   infrastructure  Let jprt run configure when building
JDK-8029800   tools           Flags.java uses String.toLowerCase without specifying Locale
JDK-8029805   core-libs       Remove LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods
JDK-8029806   core-libs       Remove Packer/Unpacker addPropertyChangeLister and removePropertyListener methods
JDK-8029809   hotspot         sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/CustomLauncherTest.java fails intermittently with "Operation not permitted"
JDK-8029849   security-libs   regression test failure with com.oracle.security.ucrypto.UcryptoException: CRYPTO_FAILED
JDK-8029884   core-libs        closed/java/util/zip/ZipFile/Collectible.java failed with TimeoutException
JDK-8029886   core-libs       Change SecurityManager checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboard, checkAccessAwtEventQueueAccess to check AllPermission
JDK-8029890   core-svc        java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadBlockedCount.java fails: Blocked thread has 4 blocked counts. Expected 3
JDK-8029895   xml             XMLOutputFactory.newFactory(String, ClassLoader) - incorrect specification
JDK-8029904   security-libs   Remove com.sun.security.auth.callback.DialogCallbackHandler
JDK-8029909   core-libs       Clarify equals/hashcode behavior for java.time types
JDK-8029955   xml             AIOB in XMLEntityScanner.scanLiteral upon parsing literals with > 100 LF chars
JDK-8029997   infrastructure  [infra] remove Solaris ISA directories and the links
JDK-8030002   core-libs       Enhance the passage of time
JDK-8030016   core-libs       HashMap.computeIfAbsent generates spurious access event 
JDK-8030035   other-libs      Create a stable test group in TEST.groups 
JDK-8030036   core-svc        Updates to ProblemList.txt after same-binaries run
JDK-8030080   core-libs       Correct misstatement in JSR 269 MR (in javax.lang.model)
JDK-8030082   security-libs   Fix raw types lint warnings, etc. in various sun.security libraries
JDK-8030084   security-libs   Fix lint warnings in sun.security.tools.policytool
JDK-8030089   core-libs       java/util/zip/ZipFile/FinalizeZipFile.java intermittently fails with fastdebug builds
JDK-8030187   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/Logger/setResourceBundle/TestSetResourceBundle.java failing again
JDK-8030192   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/TestLoggerBundleSync.java failed with NPE
JDK-8030204   core-svc        com/sun/jdi/JdbExprTest.sh: Required output "Can\\'t convert 2147483648 to int" not found 
JDK-8030212   core-libs       Several api.java.util.stream tests got "NaN" value instead of "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
JDK-8030214   tools           fix for JDK-8020216 breaks the build
JDK-8030218   tools           javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned, follow-up
JDK-8030244   tools           Update langtools code base to use diamond syntax
JDK-8030245   tools           Update langtools code base to use try-with-resources and multi-catch
JDK-8030253   tools           Update langtools code base to use strings in switch
JDK-8030262   tools           Update langtools code base to use for-each loops
JDK-8030284   core-libs       TEST_BUG: intermittent StackOverflow in RMI bench/serial test
JDK-8030626   tools           java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type when lambda's body is in parentheses
JDK-8030642   tools           Add golden files to javac/limits
JDK-8030687   tools           Add .out files to fix failing tests
JDK-8030690   core-libs       TEST_BUG java/nio/Buffer/Chars.java fails intermittently
JDK-8030698   tools           Some messages in jconsole in 7u40 (and later) aren't displayed correctly
JDK-8030726   tools           tools/javac/NoStringToLower.java fails due to enforcement no use of String.toLowerCase on non-langtools classes
JDK-8030755   core-libs       closed/java/net/NetworkInterface/TestEquals.java fails equality for Windows Teredo Interface
JDK-8030781   infrastructure  System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
JDK-8030785   core-libs       Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount
JDK-8030793   infrastructure  Update jprt.properties to release jdk9
JDK-8030801   core-libs       SocketHandler(host, port) requires permission ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")
JDK-8030807   tools           langtools should still build using jdk 7
JDK-8030813   security-libs   Signed applet fails to load when CRLs are stored in an LDAP directory
JDK-8030823   security-libs   Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK9
JDK-8030842   security-libs   Intermittent test failure SSLSocketTimeoutNulls.java
JDK-8030850   core-libs       Setting .level=FINEST in logging configuration file doesn't work
JDK-8030851   core-libs       Update code in java.util to use newer language features
JDK-8031030   core-libs       lambda SAND testing code (lambda serialization testing framework) should be integrated into jdk repo
JDK-8031067   core-libs       java/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicUpdaters.java: java.lang.Error: Unexpected reflective access
JDK-8031081   infrastructure  Use separate doclint flags for different doc bundles
JDK-8031103   core-libs       java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and toHours()
JDK-8031113   core-libs       TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Basic.java fails intermittently
JDK-8031133   core-libs       AbstractMap should specify its default implementation using @implSpec
JDK-8031142   core-libs       AbstractCollection and AbstractList should specify their default implementation using @implSpec
JDK-8031148   security-libs   Fix doclint issues in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
JDK-8031187   core-libs       DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
JDK-8031201   core-libs       Fix casting lint issues in java.net
JDK-8031210   core-libs       Remove serial warning from java.lang.Enum
JDK-8031302   security-libs   Fix raw types lint warnings in java.security
JDK-8031306   core-libs       Incorrect bug id on tests
JDK-8031326   core-libs       Use Class<?> rather than Class in java.net method signatures
JDK-8031360   tools           Update langtools code base to use RELEASE_9
JDK-8031361   core-svc        Fix raw types warning in java.lang.management
JDK-8031369   other-libs      Fix raw types warnings in sun.misc.{Cache, SoftCache}
JDK-8031405   install         jdk9/dev build fails in install on solaris after JDK_MINOR_VERSION was changed to 9

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