jdk9-b65: dev

lana.steuck at oracle.com lana.steuck at oracle.com
Wed May 20 16:48:29 UTC 2015



All the fixes will be tested during promotion (no PIT testing at this point):

List of all fixes:
JDK-8077014   install         [8u60 b10 PIT] Uninstall JRE have issues when both 32bit and 64bit JREs
JDK-7145508   client-libs     [embedded] java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is inco 
JDK-8076106   client-libs     [macosx] Drag image of TransferHandler does not honor MultiResolutionI 
JDK-8076264   client-libs     [macosx] Launching app on MacOSX requires enclosing class 
JDK-8078165   client-libs     [macosx] NPE when attempting to get image from toolkit 
JDK-8078082   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/MultiResolution 
JDK-8079428   client-libs     [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/plaf/windows/6921687/bug6921687.java fails 
JDK-8076151   client-libs     [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/fileaccess/FontFile.java  
JDK-8075942   client-libs     ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at sun.java2d.pisces.Dasher.goTo(Dasher 
JDK-8074956   client-libs     ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in  javax.swing.text.html.parser.Conten 
JDK-8078654   client-libs     CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed 
JDK-8072767   client-libs     DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source o 
JDK-8080317   client-libs     Disable warning treated as error for signed/unsigned comparison in bui 
JDK-8035302   client-libs     Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code. 
JDK-8076422   client-libs     Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.border 
JDK-8076624   client-libs     Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.text 
JDK-8075082   client-libs     Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing package 
JDK-8077094   client-libs     Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf package 
JDK-8077095   client-libs     Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf.basic package 
JDK-8073453   client-libs     Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys 
JDK-8051617   client-libs     Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg 
JDK-8077982   client-libs     GIFLIB upgrade 
JDK-8076455   client-libs     IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position 
JDK-6866751   client-libs     J2SE_Swing_Reg: the caret disappears when moving to the end of the lin 
JDK-4703110   client-libs     java.awt.Canvas(GraphicaConfiguration): null reaction 
JDK-8073001   client-libs     Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered  in 
JDK-8030123   client-libs     java/beans/Introspector/Test8027648.java fails 
JDK-8076315   client-libs     move 4 manual functional swing tests to regression suite 
JDK-8079067   client-libs     New version string scheme - Java2D 
JDK-8078464   client-libs     Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear 
JDK-6829245   client-libs     Reg test: java/awt/Component/isLightweightCrash/StubPeerCrash.java fai 
JDK-8074763   client-libs     Remove API references to java.awt.dnd.peer 
JDK-8074028   client-libs     Remove API references to java.awt.peer 
JDK-8074757   client-libs     Remove java.awt.Toolkit methods which return peer types 
JDK-8031109   client-libs     Rendering HTML code in JEditorPane throws NumberFormatException 
JDK-7081580   client-libs     Specification for MouseInfo.getNumberOfButtons() doesn't contain info  
JDK-8069361   client-libs     SunGraphics2D.getDefaultTransform() does not include scale factor 
JDK-8064939   client-libs     SwingSet2: Themes are incorrectly enabled when running with Nimbus Loo 
JDK-8044444   client-libs     The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely. 
JDK-6206437   client-libs     Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing - 
JDK-8078331   client-libs     Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7 
JDK-8078614   client-libs     WindowsClassicLookAndFeel : MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with Ill 
JDK-8077518   client-libs     XMLParserTest unit test failure. 
JDK-8080090   core-libs       -d option should dump script source as well 
JDK-8080330   core-libs       (cs) Charset.availableCharsets failing with NPE on several platforms 
JDK-8079651   core-libs       (dc) Promiscuous.java fails with NumberFormatException due to network  
JDK-8029689   core-libs       (spec) Reader.read(char[], int, int) throws unspecified IndexOutOfBoun 
JDK-8080182   core-libs       Array.prototype.sort throws IAE on inconsistent comparison 
JDK-8079841   core-libs       Buffer underflow with empty zip entry names 
JDK-8080042   core-libs       can't build nashorn.jar from jdk9-dev/nashorn using jdk8 installation  
JDK-8067931   core-libs       Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO 
JDK-8079773   core-libs       java/util/logging/LogManager/TestLoggerNames.java 
JDK-8079900   core-libs       javadoc is missing for jdk.nashorn.api.tree package 
JDK-8053918   core-libs       make the spec for @Documented comprehensible 
JDK-8080295   core-libs       Need to adjust test output for 8067931 
JDK-8079782   core-libs       RandomFactory should be in the jdk.testlibrary package 
JDK-8078645   core-libs       removeIf(filter) in ConcurrentHashMap removes entries for which filter 
JDK-8078463   core-libs       TEST_BUG: optimize java/util/Map/Collisions.java 
JDK-8080286   core-libs       use path separator setting consistently in Nashorn project properties 
JDK-8042632   deploy          Application with Signed JNLP cannot pass accented characters in <argum 
JDK-8078534   deploy          DRS 1.2: checksum algorithm needs to be restricted to SHA-256 
JDK-8072999   deploy          DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application com 
JDK-8077649   deploy          jnlp "codebase" attribute has been made mandatory 
JDK-8077925   deploy          Jnlp fails to load with CouldNotLoadArgumentException after JDK-807517 
JDK-8077285   deploy          jnlp spec version 8.20 is not supported 
JDK-8078009   deploy          Merge problem in 9-client - test build failure 
JDK-8034774   deploy          Remove dependency on sun.misc.ClassFileTransformer 
JDK-8069161   deploy          Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06 
JDK-8079223   deploy          unnecessary performance degradation caused by fix to JDK-8052111  
JDK-8077855   deploy          When applet is relaunched, extra JUT records can be sent 
JDK-8079203   hotspot         aarch64 needs to cater for different partner implementations 
JDK-8080082   infrastructure  configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configur 
JDK-8075771   infrastructure  Enable "missing" doclint check in build of the java.desktop module 
JDK-8079771   infrastructure  Fix SoundLibraries.gmk mismerge after JDK-8072665 
JDK-8039426   infrastructure  gcc can target wrong instruction set when building JDK native code 
JDK-8080013   infrastructure  OpenJDK windows build fails due to warning in libfontmanager 
JDK-8079891   infrastructure  Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log 
JDK-8074859   infrastructure  Turn on warnings as error 
JDK-8076982   install         Create HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\<VERSION> regis 
JDK-8078210   install         Eliminate MacOSX install build dependency on native2ascii 
JDK-8038084   security-libs   CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types 
JDK-8075706   security-libs   Policy implementation does not allow policy.provider to be on the clas 
JDK-8068180   security-libs   sun/security/pkcs11 tests are still in ProblemList.txt 
JDK-6470634   security-libs   Typos in CardTerminals.list(CardTerminals.State) javadoc 
JDK-8034820   security-libs   Wrong isAssignableFrom test when adding Principal to Subject 
JDK-8062518   xml             AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function  

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