RFR: 8145461 changes to @Deprecated annotation

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Wed Mar 30 21:51:35 UTC 2016

On 3/30/16 6:40 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> I'm unconvinced that most of the points would be a problem in
> practice. Frankly, it doesn't matter if the version for removal
> sometimes slips, or that the syntax of the version number changes.
> What matters is that it is not brought forward once it is committed.
> However, it really sounds more like you're dancing around lawyers here
> rather than freely designing a feature.

Regardless of the reasoning, it's quite clear that the JDK won't use any 
"expectedDeletion" or "until" attribute even if one were to be defined. That's 
not my decision.

> As David has separately mentioned, "condemed" is just too hidden a
> meaning for this. deletionPlanned) of plannedForDeletion() would be
> much clearer. Or even subjectToRemoval() which matches the Javadoc
> text.

OK, point taken. I'll reply to David's email re renaming "condemned."


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