Code Review Request: running signed modules with SecurityManager

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Thu May 27 08:09:05 PDT 2010

On 5/26/10 6:59 PM, Rémi Forax wrote:
> Le 27/05/2010 00:02, Sean Mullan a écrit :
>> Please review the webrev below which contains code changes that add
>> support for running signed modules with a SecurityManager.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
> In, you should declare the two maps and the sets final.


> In SimpleLibrary.readLocalCodeSigners,
> if the file is removed between f.exists() and
> new FileInputstream, instead of returning null, you throw an IOException,

Hmm, but there is no way for that to happen unless the library data is being 
modified maliciously or accidentally.

> furthermore, reading the doc of Library.readLocalCodeSigners,
> it's far from than than you can returns an array of signers with one
> element
> which is null.
> I would prefer to directly get null in that cases or a better
> documentation.

I don't see this. Can you explain a little more how an array of signers with one 
element which is null can be returned?

> In Packager, outptuFile.delete() can returns false.

Correct. In that case, I will probably change the code to throw an IOException, 
and set the cause to the exception of the try/catch block.

> A more general question but perhaps for Mark or Alan,
> why jigsaw codebase use and not java.nio.file ?

I'll defer to Mark or Alan on that question.


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