Project Jigsaw goals and requirements

Peter Kriens peter.kriens at
Wed Jun 22 01:58:32 PDT 2011

I agree that this makes sense. It be very inefficient to have to repeat information. 

Kind regards,

	Peter Kriens

On 22 jun 2011, at 10:54, Glyn Normington wrote:

> This proposal didn't get a response. What do others think of the requirement?
> Regards,
> Glyn
> On 3 Jun 2011, at 12:19, Glyn Normington wrote:
>> Hi Mark
>> I'm pleased to see the explicit acknowledgement of some basic OSGi interoperation requirements in the requirements document ([1]).
>> I agree with David Bosschaert ([2]), that it would make sense for OSGi to support the Java SE 8 module format and, for modules which can serve equally well as OSGi bundles, I'd like to avoid dual-maintenance of module metadata and OSGi manifest. I'd like to be able to "decorate" the standard metadata.
>> However, the requirement "The syntax must place all extended metadata after all standard metadata, with a clear delineation between them." precludes inline decorations. The result would be duplication and clunkiness.
>> I propose that this requirement be changed so that standard metadata could be decorated inline (the decorations would be ignored by the Java SE module system).
>> What do you think?
>> Regards,
>> Glyn
>> [1]
>> [2]

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