OS X 1.9 ea jdeps

Pranav Bhat pranav.bhat at oracle.com
Wed Apr 29 21:22:18 UTC 2015

On Apr 29, 2015, at 4:21 PM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Apr 29, 2015, at 1:16 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> jdeps is not the only JDK tool not in /usr/bin. The sym links from
>> /usr/bin are not created by the JDK installer.
> This still seems potentially a little confusing to anyone trying to locate the commands, or anyone who might just assume all commands are /usr/bin. It seems harder to keep track of than it would be if everything was consistently /usr/bin.

Here is a solution that I use: 

There is /usr/libexec/java_home(1) that returns the latest and greatest JDK installed on the system.  See man page link below for more info. 

I typically do this (can be done in a login rc file; here is a bash example) :

$ export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`/bin
$ which jdeps

If you don’t want to set JAVA_HOME variable , then you can use 
/usr/libexec/java_home —exec <cmd_name> to execute any j* command directly. 
$ /usr/libexec/java_home —exec jdeps

More information about java_home here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/java_home.1.html

two cents,
- Pranav

>> /usr/bin/j* are linked to
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands
>> probably part of OS install and I guess it's a snapshot of JDK 7
>> commands.
> It does make sense that anything not here could be missed. I think, originally, this goes back to the Apple JVM’s. It was probably last openjdk updated as you suggest for JDK 7, or not updated at all, then it would then have been last updated JDK 6 or even earlier if JDK 6 had no changes.
>> If a JDK tool is added or removed for a new version of JDK, it
>> won't be reflected in /usr/bin.  You may want to follow up your
>> question from macosx-port-dev mailing list.
> I can certainly do this but my understanding is that this project is no longer active. It receives the occasional courtesy copy from other lists, or a user question once in a while, but I didn’t think it was being actively followed by anyone maintaining the JDK? No harm though I’m sure, so I’ll raise the issue.
> Michael Hall

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