RFR: 8140336: Add @modules for exported dependencies to jdk_core tests

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed Oct 28 03:21:52 UTC 2015

> On Oct 27, 2015, at 6:36 AM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline <alexandre.iline at oracle.com> wrote:
> I have created two separate reviews:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8140336/webrev.jdk9.02/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8140336/webrev.jake.02/


I have pushed webrev.jdk9.02 to jdk9/dev and webrev.jake.03 to jake.

>> test/java/lang/ProcessHandle/TEST.properties
>> - which test references types in jdk.management?   If there is only a couple of tests depending on jdk.management, better to use @modules in those individual tests instead.
> The dependency is coming through java/lang/ProcessHandle/JavaChild.java. Three of five tests in the dir use it: InfoTest.java, OnExitTest.java, TreeTest.java.
> Yes, I could update just the three tests, but since JTReg will compile all the classes in the dir, the compilation for the rest of the tests will fail if no jdk.management present. Instead I would rather have the fix as it is right now and have a separate bug to fix this later. Which is what I was going to do.

That’s okay.  Just need to make sure the java.management dependency is removed when  JDK-8139430 is resolved.


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