8170987: Module system implementation refresh (12/2016)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Dec 14 21:46:40 UTC 2016

Folks on jigsaw-dev will be aware that we are on yet another mission to 
bring the changes accumulated in the jake forest to jdk9/dev. The plan 
this time is to bring the changes to jdk9/dev to make jdk-9+150.

The changes in this update are mostly for JSR 376 issues 
#VersionedDependences and #ModuleNameCharacters and so involve updates 
to the binary form of the module declaration. There is also some small 
changes left over from #IndirectQualifiedReflectiveAccess that we didn't 
include in the last refresh.

This update has the implementation of Incubator Modules (JEP 11 [1]), 
everything except the javac support. This was initially planned to push 
to jdk9/dev but was re-routed to jake to avoid needing re-work when 
merged with the changes in jake.

There is a bit of refactoring in the implementation in this update. We 
expect to do more on than, plus lots of clean-up, once all the feature 
work is out of way.

The webrevs with the changes for this update are here:


They are currently based on jdk-9+148 and will be re-based for jdk9/dev 
later this week.

One review note this time is to ignore the changes in ModuleBootstrap 
for DEBUG_ADD_OPENS, that is the only change in this webrev that is not 
proposed to move to jdk9/dev.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/11

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