RFR 8141609: Need test for jrtfs that runs on JDK 8 to target a JDK 9 image

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Feb 23 14:40:26 UTC 2016

On 23/02/2016 03:40, Felix Yang wrote:
> Please review the following new test.
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xiaofeya/8141609/webrev.00/
> Bug:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141609
> jdk 9 bundled a "jrt-fs.jar" file which expose the jrt filesystem 
> support. It is critical that a tool on JDK 8 can use the jrt file 
> system to target a JDK 9 image. This test is trying to address it.
> Since jtreg doesn't support a clean way to work with multiple JDK 
> releases. I leverage the JT_JAVA, which is usually configured with JDK 
> 8, as a workaround to achieve some automated tests without any 
> customization on test environment.
> Basic jrt file system testing in JrtfsTestMain.java are mainly covered 
> with jdk/internal/jrtfs/PathOps.java and duplicated tests from 
> jdk/internal/jrtfs/Basic.java.
This fails if JDK8_HOME is not defined and I'm sure will be annoyance 
for those that run jtreg directly. Should we get the test to just pass 
if not set? I realize that is not ideal.


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