Round #3: RFR: 8147467 - Add ClassFileTransformer transform method that provide the Module to the agent

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Feb 29 20:41:07 UTC 2016

On 29/02/2016 20:11, Remi Forax wrote:
> Hi Alan, hi Sergei,
> i see two issues with this patch,
> the first one is that before that change, ClassFileTransformer was a functional interface, it's not a functional interface anymore, so it will break code
> (note that ClassFileTransformer is not annotated with @FunctionalInterface so it's a kind of 'legal' non backward compatible change)
Yeah, we know. We've been trying to avoid introducing another interface 
here if possible, esp. as this is a niche area. If there a wide spread 
use of CFT as a functional interface then we might have to introduce a 
different approach.

On have the security manager issue then you are right although easily 
worked around by granting the agent the permission. We could have the 
new transform method specify both (as you suggest).


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