JarLoader appears to be holding onto the resource longer than necessary

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jul 5 12:47:20 UTC 2016

On 05/07/2016 12:39, Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran wrote:

> Hello,
> Some of our new tests are hitting a case where JAR files appear to be kept
> open. I am not sure where the issue lies as I can't access some of the
> source code involved. I am attaching the stack trace at the end of the
> mail.
> We obtain the ServiceLoader with the following code where _procLoader is a
> URLClassLoader.
> 			_serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(Processor.class,
> _procLoader);
> 			_serviceLoaderIter = _serviceLoader.iterator();
> This code has been like this for quite some time. Is this something recent?
> Should we change something in our code? Please let me know if you need more
> information.
> Regards,
> Jay
URLClassLoader is Closeable and makes a best attempt to close all 
resources. Is _procLoader being closed?


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