Feedback on proposal for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes

Sander Mak sander.mak at
Fri Jul 8 08:39:26 UTC 2016

> On 08 Jul 2016, at 10:04, Andrew Dinn <adinn at> wrote:
> Applying your
> logic to the status quo ante and deriving JDK9 will break the most
> significant body of code that is built on Java in a way that, as Jason
> argues, is /in practice/ impossible to undo. 

How so? The classpath continues to work on JDK9, and reflection works the same as before in the unnamed module (modulo some JDK internals that have been hidden, but that's not what we were talking about). If you then wish to move to modules, it only seems fair that you at least put some thought into what is encapsulated and what not. That is, define your module-info's, possibly containing dynamic exports if your framework of choice does its magic through reflection.

Of course, some developers may have been blissfully unaware that Hibernate/Spring/etc is using reflection on their code. I believe it's a good thing this dependency becomes explicit. 


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