
Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Jul 24 08:15:33 UTC 2016

On 24/07/2016 04:52, Malachi de Ælfweald wrote:

> If we are looking for people to validate the jigsaw builds, we may want to
> reach out to LWJGL.  I've noticed quite a few (but inconsistent) SIGSEV
> when using Jigsaw on their Vulkan demos:
> https://github.com/LWJGL/lwjgl3-demos/tree/master/src/org/lwjgl/demo/vulkan
> ​Anyone want to validate that it isn't just me?​
LWJGL issues can sometimes be OpenGL but it's impossible to say here. If 
it looks like this is a JDK 9 bug (you don't see it with JDK 8 for 
example) then can you submit a bug on this? Ideally include the error 
log (hs_err* file) if you can find it.


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