JDK-8162494: some frameworks need access delegation

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Mon Jul 25 20:08:21 UTC 2016

On Jul 24, 2016, at 1:24 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 23/07/2016 00:12, John Rose wrote:
>> The Lookup API does not have a "setAccessible" analog.
>> Maybe it should; along the lines of Unsafe.privateLookup(Class).
> Would this be the internal Unsafe or sun.misc.Unsafe? I just wonder if this is something that would be regretted in the future.

It has to be designed carefully.  I've filed a public tracking bug, which folks can use as a point of reference.
  some frameworks need access delegation via MethodHandles.lookup

The regrets come from two circumstances:  Leaving the store open after hours,
or requiring premium customers to break in the back door for legitimate purchases.

> For the original issue then maybe we should look again at providing a way to invoke a default method from a proxy's invocation handler. Peter Levart had a reasonable proposal on that. It would of course require a lot of security eyes to make sure that it is bullet proof.

Yes, I've wandered pretty far away from that issue.  (Changed the subject line!)

— John

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