JavaFileManager.getModuleLocation() problem

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Wed Jul 27 17:20:52 UTC 2016

If your module is in source form, then you have two choices:

1. put the contents of the module directly on the SOURCE_PATH, as a 
hierarchy of packages and types, with in the root of 
that hierarchy. by contrast with using MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, (described 
next), there should not be any enclosing directory.  In your program, 
access the module contents using StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, (no need 
for getModuleLocation).   In this case SOURCE_PATH *is* the module location.

2. put the contents of one or more modules on the MODULE_SOURCE_PATH.  
The contents of each module should be in directory named for the module. 
Each directory should contain a hierarchy of packages and types, with in the root of that hierarchy. The name of the module 
in the file must match the name of the enclosing 
directory.  In your program, get a location for the contents of a 
specific module on the module source path using

If your module can been compiled, you should normally put the module on 
the module path and access it via MODULE_PATH.    The module can be 
represented as a "exploded directory" of packages and types, or as a 
modular jar file (i.e. containing module-info.class) or as an automatic 
module (a jar file that does not contain module-info.class).   Whatever 
the form of the module, you can either place it directly on the module 
path, or in a directory on the module path.  In your program, get a 
location for the contents of a specific module on the module path using

Generally, if a path is described as a "module path" of some sort, use 
getModuleLocation(path, moduleName) to get the contents of a specific 
module. If a path is described as a "class path" or (simple) "source 
path" then it can only contain a single module, which may be the unnamed 
module, in which case, use the path directly (e.g. 
fileManager.list(path, ...) ) to get the contents of the module.

-- Jon

On 07/27/2016 07:42 AM, Konstantin Barzilovich wrote:
> Thanks for the answer.
> I managed to find system module with SYSTEM_MODULES.
> But I still don't understand how to find my own module.
> As I understand, I need to have path to compiled module in modulepath.
> I tried both MODULE_SOURCE_PATH and MODULE_PATH, but I failed.
> Could you please explain where module should be in order to be found.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Konstantin.
>> SOURCE_PATH is normally a package-oriented (JDK-8 style) path.  It's 
>> not a module-oriented path, so generally, you won't find modules on it.
>> You probably want to use MODULE_SOURCE_PATH.
>> -- Jon
>> On 07/26/2016 06:59 AM, Konstantin Barzilovich wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I try to use method getModuleLocation() like this:
>>> JavaFileManager.Location location = 
>>> ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler().getStandardFileManager(null, 
>>> null, null).getModuleLocation(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, 
>>> "myModule");
>>> But variable 'location' is always null.
>>> I expected UnsupportedOperationException or some result, but not null.
>>> What am I doing wrong?

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