Exporting - the wrong default?

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Thu Jul 28 07:33:09 UTC 2016

On 28 July 2016 at 04:15, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:
> I think you meant David Lloyd.
Yeah, sorry!

> I have no issue with modules defining a new accessibility boundary. Seems
> perfectly natural to me, and something that has been postulated since the
> original superpackages proposal - JSR-294.

Adding a new accessibility boundary seems reasonable. How that is done
is open to question - in this thread I am primarily focussed on the
syntax used to express the rules (exports) not the premise of them. By
changing the default, it means that for most users their access
control and reflection will not change and thus module-info can be
added with little impact.

> I find it incomprehensible to be
> "this close" to the end and find people arguing for a reversal of the basic
> premises.

In my view, only recently has there been any kind of meaningful
discussion on the issues, and that has been at a point where it is
allegedly too late to change them. To me, it feels like there is a
long way to go before this should be released.


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