Exporting - the wrong default?

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Thu Jul 28 09:42:34 UTC 2016

On 28/07/16 10:20, Alan Bateman wrote:
> There is nothing in the module system that forces anyone to package a
> module as a modular JAR.  ...

No, of course not. But designing a module system which is not going to
be useful to EE developers looks like fiddling when Rome is burning.

>  ... Also nothing that requires the compiled form of
> the module declaration to be in the same artifact as the module
> contents. Maybe it would better to start another thread on your
> concerns, it otherwise feels like we are hijacking Stephen's thread.

Well, that is a complete surprise to me. I have not seen this explained
or documented anywhere.

Could you point me at the relevant documentation so I can understand
how I need to configure such a split deployment or at least provide me
with more details?


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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