Exporting - the wrong default?

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Thu Jul 28 22:05:52 UTC 2016

On 7/28/2016 1:47 AM, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> A descriptor (module-info.class) baked into a 3rd party jar at release
> cannot be altered without getting the 3rd party to update and re-release
> the jar -- at which point other components then also need to change and
> be re-released in consequence. Meanwhile further components will have
> had to change to patch bugs or security issues and the whole cycle
> starts all over again.
> By contrast a descriptor (or suite of descriptors) independent from the
> described components can be updated without having to get multiple 3rd
> parties to be involved in re-creating the described components. This
> latter route has indeed been followed by those who have had to build
> systems at this scale for exactly this reason.

Down-thread, Alan asked for examples of the changes you've made to a 3rd 
party's descriptor, but I think you're raising "descriptor baked into a 
3rd party jar" as a concern for modules delivered in the future rather 
than for JAR files you have on hand today. I think this because Sanne 
Grinovero spoke on 7/12 of CREATING descriptors from scratch:

"In fact in my team we also have experience "packaging" lots of these 
OSS Java libraries into JBoss Modules, and have always appreciated that 
- as an assembler - with JBoss Modules I can define the dependencies via 
external metadata, without having to recompile or have to reassemble the 
jar. As you [meaning John Rose] suggest, it is indeed useful to be able 
to override the intent of the library authors, especially as different 
libraries are developed by independent teams / communities / companies."

I assume the "intent of the library authors" is found in the POM, and he 
translate it to module.xml [1] with occasional tweaks to add, remove, 
and optionalize dependencies.

Am I on track?


[1] https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/MODULES/Module+descriptors

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