RFR: JDK-8151914 java/util/jar/JarFile/MultiReleaseJar* tests do not declare module dependences

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed May 4 13:32:14 UTC 2016

On 04/05/2016 11:24, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> :
> The tests cause compilation of test library classes, but only some tests
> actually use the methods that provoke compilation. Similar to above, tests
> that don’t actually compile anything could depend on just java.compiler.
> This is all to fragile and may cause problems with future refactoring. I
> think we should add the same set of @moduels to all these tests, rather
> than an individual set determined by intimate knowledge of the inner
> workings of the test.
>   @modules java.compiler
>                     jdk.compiler
>                     jdk.zipfs
>                     jdk.jartool
> with the addition of jdk.httpserver for MultiReleaseJarHttpProperties.
or we could move the tests into their own MultiRelease sub-directory and 
create a TEST.properties with a module key. That would allow these tests 
to drop @modules, except the test that uses the HTTP server.


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