NullPointerException in Modules#checkCyclicDependencies()

Gunnar Morling gunnar at
Tue May 31 09:11:53 UTC 2016

Hi Alan,

I could narrow down the trigger for this issue: It's related to referring a
non-existing module in

Normally, that error is detected by javac which emits a correct compilation

    src/main/java/ error: module not found: xyz

But when specifying the -processorpath option, this check seems to be
bypassed somehow. The code in Modules#checkCyclicDependencies() then fails
with an NPE as the "directive" of the JCRequires is null (see [1]).

That's the

    module foo {
        requires nonexistent;

And that's the javac invocation:

    javac -processorpath someprocessor.jar -d mods/npe-test $(find
src/main/java -name "*.java")

Please let me know if you need any further information.



2016-05-30 17:51 GMT+02:00 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:

> On 30/05/2016 16:44, Gunnar Morling wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm getting a NullPointerException at the following line:
>> at 9-ea
>> /
>> I'm getting this from an existing code base which I'm trying to Jigsaw-ify
>> (Hibernate Validator). I can try and narrow it down to a potential cause
>> but thought I'd reach out and check whether this rings a bell for anyone
>> before spending more time on it.
>> I can't find any bug reports on this so if you have a small test or even
> the stack trace then it would be good and we'll create a bug for this.
> -Alan

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