Controller ensureInLayer is slow when using addReads/addOpens for Layers with large numbers of modules

Thomas Watson tjwatson at
Thu Mar 9 16:09:03 UTC 2017

> From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>
> To: Thomas Watson/Austin/IBM at IBMUS, jigsaw-dev at
> Date: 03/09/2017 10:07 AM
> Subject: Re: Controller ensureInLayer is slow when using addReads/
> addOpens for Layers with large numbers of modules
> There wasn't any text in your mail (don't know if this was intentional 
> or not).
> In any case, this is trivially improved, it just hasn't come up before, 
> probably because the Controller API is somewhat niche.
> -Alan

Sorry, my mail system adds stuff that the mailing list doesn't like, let 
me try this again:

The Controller ensureInLayer method has this.

        private void ensureInLayer(Module source) {

            if (!layer.modules().contains(source))

                throw new IllegalArgumentException(source + " not in 

The implementation of Layer.modules() is terribly expensive when trying to 
collect the complete set of modules only to perform a contains check.  Can 
this be changed to something more simple like this:

        private void ensureInLayer(Module source) {

            if (!layer.equals(source.getLayer()))

                throw new IllegalArgumentException(source + " not in 

It also seems like Layer.modules() should be optimized since the set of 
modules never changes for a Layer instance.  But that method has to do a 
new set collection each call.


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