Review Request: JDK-8174826 jlink does not provide support for linking in service provider modules

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Mar 23 14:58:14 UTC 2017

On 22/03/2017 19:11, Mandy Chung wrote:

> Webrev:
> This is a proposal to resolve the open issue listed in JEP 282
> about jlink and service binding.
The output for --suggest-providers looks good.

For --verbose then the "Providers: " list looks okay when used in 
conjunction with --bind-services. I would be tempted to leave it out 
when --bind-services is not specified because there is no service binding.

A few random comments:

- JImageTask is now using toUpperCase() which is locale specific and 
should be changed.

- Jlink.moduleFinder() unconditionally uses the runtime version. Not a 
bug introduced by your changes but this method really needs to locate 
java.base and use its version when creating the module path. We should 
probably create an issue for that and fix it another time.

- JlinkTask.uses then the stream() isn't needed as Set defines forEach.


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