Progress report on SLF4J project modularization

Ceki Gülcü ceki at
Fri Mar 24 20:12:34 UTC 2017

On 3/24/2017 20:33, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> On 3/24/2017 19:28, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> Hi Ceki, we came up with an approach that works for us (though it's a
>> bit cumbersome).  See:

To be more precise, I am trying to have a single jar file which will
be seen as modular on Java 9 and as a regular jar in older JVMs,
with module-info.class ignored.

Quoting from [1]:

   A modular JAR file can be used as a module, in which case its
   module-info.class file is taken to contain the module’s
   declaration. It can, alternatively, be placed on the ordinary class
   path, in which case its module-info.class file is ignored. Modular JAR
   files allow the maintainer of a library to ship a single artifact that
   works both as a module, on Java SE 9 and later, and as a regular JAR
   file on the class path, on all releases. We expect that
   implementations of Java SE 9 which include a jar tool will enhance
   that tool to make it easy to create modular JAR files.

This is the problem I am struggling with.



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