Migrating resources from classpath to modular access

Mantas Gridinas mgridinas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 17:29:13 UTC 2020

Recently I've finished watching
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ycn1-QQV0 for pointers on how to
explain JPMS to my collegues at work. I am aware it's a bit old, but
the ideas are still present and the presentation does a good job
explaining why JPMS is the way it is, what are the guarantees and why
you should be using it. At around 52:40 there was a question from the
audience about loading configuration files from resources on
classpath, and one of the presenters responded that "libraries would
provide services for configuration rather than depend on configuration
files if revisited today". This peaked my interest, but sadly, the
presenters didn't go deeper into what they meant by that. Did they
reference the "ServiceLoader" mechanism?


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