[jmm-dev] Sequential Consistency

Doug Lea dl at cs.oswego.edu
Sun Feb 23 05:59:41 PST 2014

On 02/22/2014 10:59 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
> I won't yet try to summarize different positions and rationales,
> but for now just invite further discussion.

That was too cowardly. Here's a shot at summarizing some of the
historical context.

> PS: As a reminder, here's IRIW. Given global x, y:
>    Thread 1: x = 1;
>    Thread 2: y = 1;
>    Thread 3: r1 = x; r2 = y;  // sees r1 == 1, r2 == 0
>    Thread 4: r3 = y; r4 = x;  // sees r3 == 1, r4 == 0

(This outcome is not allowed by SC.)

The IRIW example is a fun one in part because it is not especially
intuitive.  Some people do not at first think that it is a result
forced by SC. I occasionally present this in courses, and most
students' first reaction is that you should use a common lock in all
threads if you want to ensure agreement about order of x and y
here. The fact that you don't need to strikes some (but by no means
all) people as a magical/spooky property of SC.

This example (and variants of it) was also among those first driving
research into more efficient distributed multicast protocols in the
late 80's/early 90's (when I first encountered consistency policies
and protocols).  Maintaining this property of SC is much more
expensive in a distributed setting than other consistency policies
that are sufficient to implement most distributed algorithms.  SC
normally requires blocking on O(#hosts) round-trips per message in the
absence of failure, and heavy (and fallible) failure-recovery
mechanics. Other policies, including "causal broadcast" (guaranteeing
only transitivity of read-write happens-before in producer-consumer
chains) usually don't need to wait out all the round-trips (but still
require buffering).  While the situation is a little better for
multiprocessor/multicore designers, it is not surprising that they
occasionally propose (as did AMD and then Intel five years or so ago)
schemes that are by default weaker (but still with full-SC modes).

Arguments for not giving in to the whinings of implementors include
those claiming that uniform SC requirements enable better tools,
simpler proofs of correctness, more understandable models, and the
reduction of counterintuitive orderings.  And that no single "natural"
property has emerged to replace it, despite a fair amount of trying.


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