[jmm-dev] bitwise RMW operators, specifically testAndSetBit/BTS

Hans Boehm boehm at acm.org
Wed Jul 20 23:17:47 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Doug Lea <dl at cs.oswego.edu> wrote:

> Replying to Hans by replying to myself :-)
> On 07/20/2016 08:49 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
>> in C++-relaxed, compilers cannot perform
>> some forms of  common subexpression elimination in the presence of
>> possible
>> aliasing, but for Java-plain (and C++-plain), they can.  As in:
>> class Point ( int x, y; }
>> void f(Point a, Point b) {
>>   int r1 = a.x;
>>   int r2 = b.x;
>>   int r3 = a.x; // simplify to: int r3 = r1 ?
>>   use (r1, r2, r3);
>> }
> Or, in pseudo-VarHandle style using "getM" (for varying Ms):
> static VarHandle PX = MethodHandles.lookup().findVarHandle(Point.class,
> "x", int.class);
> void f(Point a, Point b) {
>   int r1 = PX.getM(a);
>   int r2 = PX.getM(b);
>   int r3 = PX.getM(a); // *
>   use (r1, r2, r3);
> }
> Can you simplify (*) to "r3 = r1" ? It depends on M:
> * Java-Plain and C++-Plain: yes.
> * Java Opaque: no.
Does Opaque imply cache coherence?  In the Opaque case, is r3 guaranteed to
see a store that is no earlier than the one seen by r2? Or are we still
only talking compiler optimizations?

> * C++-Relaxed: only if a != b.

* (And, for the record, other modes: no)
What if the compiler knows that a==b? Can all the get()s be merged, even
for Opaque?

> This is one reason "opaque" mode is needed. Neither Plain nor Opaque
> exactly
> match C++ Relaxed atomics, but together you can express everything (and
> probably more).
> You can create similar but more contrived-looking examples for
> read-after-write and write-after-write. And also for write-after-read,
> but that one may interact with out-of-thin-air and related issues.
> (Which if we had a good enough solution for, or even knew how to
> encapsulate, fleshing out formal/formalizable specs on the above should
> not be hard. People do continue to work on this, so there is still hope.)
> -Doug

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