Lambda and JSR 292 method handle

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Thu Dec 17 07:43:49 PST 2009

I haven read the JSR 292 spec, so please bear with me if I talk rubbish...

Ok, so in your example, the lambda was a function, so the MethodHandle is refering to a static method.

In case the lambda was a closure that just referenced instance fields/methods, the MethodHandle I presume could be refering to an instance method of that instance.

But what about the case where lambda was a closure closing over some local variables. I expect you would have to create a special class and instance holding all this state and refer from MethodHandle to the instance method of that class. Still this would eleminate megamorphic call sites because no interfaces would be involved and the generated class/method could be final to enable JIT inlining.


On Thursday 17 December 2009 15:23:55 Rémi Forax wrote:
> The function model creates one function by lambda.
> class A {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>      #int(int) f = #(int x) (x+x);
>      f(2);
>    }
> }
> is translated to:
> class A {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>      ldc static lambda$1(int)int               // (1)
>      astore 1                                  // (2)
>      aload 1
>      aconst_2
>      invokevirtual A.invokeLambda(int)int            // (3)
>      pop
>    }
>    private static int lambda$1(int x) {
>      return x+x;
>    }
> }
> I've written the body of the main in bytecode because there is non 
> equivalent in Java.
> First, the JSR 292 define a new constant pool constant (see [2])
> that allow to reference a function (here a static method) using opcode ldc.
> So instantiating a lambda is just a ldc (1).
> At runtime, this object is a java.dyn.MethodHandle, so it can be stored 
> as an object (2).
> To call the lambda, the VM allows to call a magic method (3) named 
> invokeLambda (name may changed).
> At runtime, the VM checks that the method handle type is compatible with 
> the type of invokeLambda
> and call the function pointer stored in the method handle.
> Because a method handle knows its runtime type, it's possible to 
> implement instanceof and
> cast on a function type.
> Function type that are parametrized have the same constraint that 
> parameterized type, i.e
> cast are unsafe.
> If function type are translated to method handle, megamorphic call site 
> problem can be solved because
> JIT can recognize the pattern (a method that takes a method handle) and 
> do an aggressive inlining of
> such method.
> In summary, JSR 292 method handles was introduced by JSR 292 expert 
> group because it solves
> common problems encounters when dealing with function pointer encoded 
> using interfaces.
> It will be stupid to don't eating our own dog food.
> Rémi

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