New Year, new lambda binaries

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Tue Jan 8 14:52:32 PST 2013

Happy New Year to all Lambdabblers, Lambdingers, Lambdongers and Lambdoozlers; (lame "Grinch who stole Christmas" reference)

New early access binaries of Java 8 with Lambda is now available (b72). Brian and Paul were hard at work over the holidays to deliver many improvements to the API and implementation.

The source used for this release has not been synced with the Java 8 mainline in a few weeks. A sync-up will be done before the next release. Additionally, the pace of lambda changes migrating to Java 8 mainline will increase this month. We will always try to ensure that the lambda early access builds offer a superset of what's in Java 8 with few if any differences.


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