Convert old "into" code to the collectors

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Wed Jan 16 07:05:22 PST 2013

On 16/01/13 14:34, Marcos Antonio wrote:
> Hello, everybody!
> Before build b73 I had code like this:
> List<PropriedadeChavePai> propriedades = new ArrayList<>();
> chave.getPropriedadesChavePai().stream().
>      map(PropriedadeChavePai::new).
>      into(propriedades);
> Now I'm having trouble trying to convert it to use the new Collectors. I have tried something like this:
> chave.getPropriedadesChavePai().stream().
>      map(PropriedadeChavePai::new).
>      collect(Collectors.toCollection(propriedades));
> but it didn't work and I couldn't figure out the right thing to do.
> Thank you in advance.
> Marcos 		 	   		
What do you mean it didn't work? Did you get an error message from the 
compiler? If so, can you please paste it?


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