Collectors inventory

Joe Bowbeer joe.bowbeer at
Thu Jun 13 10:47:35 PDT 2013

concatenating seems very long. Just call it joining()?

I'm also wondering if the string nature of these formerly toString methods
is clear from the new names.
On Jun 13, 2013 10:14 AM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at> wrote:

> After working through the Collectors, here's the current inventory, which
> is looking pretty good:
>   - Collections
>     - toCollection(supplier)
>     - toList()
>     - toSet()
>     - toMap x3: keyMapper, valueMapper [, mergeFn [, mapSupplier ] ]
>     - toConcurrentMap x3
>   - Grouping combinators
>     - groupingBy x3: classifier [, downstream [, mapSupplier ] ]
>     - groupingByConcurrent x3
>     - partitioningBy x2: predicate [, mapSupplier ]
>   - Mapping combinators
>     - mapping(f, downstream)
>   - String-specific reductions
>     - concatenating()
>     - joining x2: delimiter [, prefix, suffix ]
>   - Reductions:
>     - reducing x3: reducer [, identity [, mapper ] ]
>     - counting()
>     - minBy(comparator)
>     - maxBy(comparator)
>     - summing{Int,Long,Double}(**extractorFn)
>     - averaging{Int,Long,Double}(**extractorFn)
>     - summarizing{Int,Long,Double}(**extractorFn)
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