Method/Constructor references.

Dan Smith daniel.smith at
Tue Feb 19 15:47:27 PST 2013

Thanks for the comments.  They have helped to significantly improve 15.28.

On Feb 16, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Srikanth S Adayapalam <srikanth_sankaran at> wrote:

> (1) 0.6.1, 15.28 says: 
> "It is a compile-time error if the ClassType of a constructor reference denotes a class that is an enum type or that is abstract. " 
> While JLS7 15.9 in addition says: 
> "It is a compile-time error if any of the type arguments used in a class instance 
> creation expression are wildcard type arguments (§4.5.1)." 
> So is the less restrictive version with constructor references intentional ? I don't see anything in 
> the design/motivation section regarding this to determine if it is. 
> I would like to use one definition of what can be instantiated unless the relaxation is deliberate. 
> So, should the following program compile ? 
> // --- 
> interface I { 
>   X<?> zoo(int x, String p); 
> } 
> public class X<T> { 
>         X(int x, String p) {} 
>         I i = X<? extends String>::new; // will compile 
>       X<?> x = new X<? extends String>(); // will not compile. 
> } 
> I don't see a type safety issue here since the parameterization would have pass bounds check, only a consistency issue. 

Good catch.  This is just something I missed when scanning through 15.9 for errors.

I've added a restriction on type arguments to Part C, 15.28.  Wildcards are now prohibited from constructor references.

> (2) And since the production for ClassType (despite the name) cannot prune type variables and 
> annotation types, should these also be called out as error scenarios ? 

My intent is for the ClassType production to have a semantic meaning along with the syntax: it only applies to names of actual classes.

Looking at other usages of "ClassType" and "InterfaceType", though, as in 8.1.4 and 8.1.5, it seems to typically be accompanied by a restriction like "The ClassType must name an accessible (§6.6) class type, or a compile-time error occurs."  I'll follow suit here.

> (3) Should the (obvious) point about primary evaluating to base type being a forbidden scenario 
> be mentioned ? 

I think you mean something like "1::m".  That's covered in a roundabout way by Part E -- 15.28.1 says if 15.12.1 defines an error, then a candidate method is not applicable (and so no applicable methods would be found, and that would be an error).

But I think it's a lot more clear to state the restriction explicitly, so I will do so.  I also see some restrictions from 15.12.1 on 'super' invocations (as modified by Part H) that deserve stating explicitly here, too.

> (4) "The immediately enclosing instance of an inner class instance (15.9.2) must be provided for a constructor reference by a lexically enclosing instance of this (8.1.3). " 
> Is this restrictive ? Can this be supplied at method invocation time or even via a primary from ? Implementable != useful and 
> I don't have an assessment as to how useful practically it would be though. Again this is a consistency issue: the call to 
> new Inner() can occur outside of the enclosing class in an entirely unrelated class as long as there an enclosing instance is 
> available and the types are visible. 

I can think of three plausible ways to get an enclosing instance for an inner class constructor reference.  Do you have one of these in mind?:

- There's a compatible enclosing 'this' from point of the constructor reference.  Such a scenario is supported, and is what the above sentence is meant to describe.

- The constructor reference syntax provides the value, analogous to ' Foo()'.  We have no syntax for this scenario, and decided it wasn't worth adding syntactic complexity in order to support.

- The function descriptor has an extra parameter so that the _invoker_ of the reference can provide an enclosing instance.  This scenario was discussed in one of the surveys from this summer and ultimately dismissed.  (Again, too much complexity for a marginal benefit.)


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