non-wildcard parameterization

Stephan Herrmann stephan.herrmann at
Thu Feb 6 08:44:54 PST 2014

I don't understand the javac behavior for the following example:

interface I<T, S extends X<T>> {
     T foo(S p);

public class X<T>  {
     public void bar() {
     	I<Object, ? extends X<Object>> f = (p) -> p;

javac accepts, but I don't see how the non-wildcard parameterization of I
can be determined for this case.

I believe compilation should fail during this sentence from 9.8:
  "If Ai is a wildcard, and the corresponding type parameter bound, Bi,
  mentions one of P1...Pn, then Ti is undefined and there is no function type."

 From the LHS of the assignment:
F<A1...An> = I<Object,? extends X<Object>>
A1 = Object
A2 = ? extends X<Object>

 From the declaration of I:
P1 = T
P2 = S extends X<T>
B1 = n/a
B2 = X<T>

A2 (? extends X<Object>) is a wildcard, and the corresponding bound, B2 (X<T>),
mentions P1 (T), hence Ti is undefined and there is no function type.

is my interpretation of the spec correct?


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