[7u4] Review request for CR 7134730

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Mon Feb 13 15:49:40 PST 2012

you will need a null check for args, ie. if there are no args you will 
a NPE  for args.length.


there are several instances of the old type of for-loops.
lines 141, lines 455, lines 479

using  static imports for StandardCopyOption, LinkOption, will make the code
much nicer,  here is an example of some recent changes I made which 
utilizes this:

Otherwise it looks ok to me.


> Thanks all for the feedback. Updated webrev below:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gkbrown/7134730/webrev.01/
> - Rename "Java" dictionary key to "JavaVM"
> - Add GPL headers as needed
> - Apply correct Oracle copyright to all files
> - Set cp_wildcard to FALSE in call to JLI_Launch()
> - Use diamond operator in collection initialization
> - Output command-line arguments in test app
> I also rebuilt the sample bundle with a more recent JRE and the Command-Q problem seems to have resolved itself:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49180229/SwingSet2.dmg
> Greg
> On Feb 13, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Greg Brown wrote:
>> This is a request to push the initial changeset supporting the app bundler Ant task. Webrev is here:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~gkbrown/7134730/webrev.00/
>> Note that this code is not currently integrated into the build. An outstanding to-do is to move the compilation of main.m from build.xml to a makefile and add this to the build. These changes will be pushed in a follow-on changeset.
>> Thanks,
>> Greg

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