AppBundler: wrong working directory

Greg Brown greg.x.brown at
Wed Feb 29 07:56:59 PST 2012

>> <option value="-Duser.dir=Contents/Resources"/>
> That is less onerous for developers to adopt, but it's quite a subtle thing which is not self-documenting.

Perhaps, but macro expansion isn't really self-documenting either. I actually had no idea until I looked at the source code for the earlier launcher that it was even supported. Plus, it's pretty easy to document that the default working directory for a bundled app is the bundle root. As a developer, you might even assume this.

> I'd still advocate for macro expansion (and I'd be happy to provide a diff) if that's a direction you'd support as well.

I'd prefer to stick with the idea of setting the default working directory to the bundle root for now. It seems like it would address all of the issues that have come up so far and is less complex than adding macro support.


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