Request for comments: Bug 6306820

Richard Kennard richard at
Fri May 18 17:54:57 PDT 2007


Great to hear from you again!

I am not at all opposed to making the changes you suggest. However, 
permit me to explain why it is the way it is first, and then you can 
counter my points :)

If I understand you correctly, what you are suggesting is a more 
'functional' (as opposed to OO) approach to the design. That is, have a 
bunch of static methods that operate on a Map<String, List<String>>, and 
let the user worry about passing that Map around. I would have the 
following concerns to this approach:

1. The Map itself would be very unwieldy. To retrieve a parameter from a 
query string, you'd have to do...

    map.get( "param1" ).get( 0 ); opposed to...

    query.getParameter( "param1" );

To set a parameter, you'd have to do...

    map.put( "param2", Arrays.asList( new String[]{ String.valueOf( 3 ) 
} )); opposed to...

    query.setParameter( "param2", 3 );

To add a parameter, you'd have to do...

    List list = map.get( "param1" );

    if ( list == null )
       list = Arrays.asList( new String[]{ String.valueOf( 3 ) } ));
       list.add( String.valueOf( 3 ));

    map.put( "param1", list ); opposed to...

    query.appendParameter( "param1", 3 );

...the former makes the concept of multi-valued parameters explicit and 
'in your face', even though they are seldom used. This is a problem 
wrestled with by the Java EE team, which I believe first deprecated and 
then un-deprecated getParameterValue (as opposed to getParameterValues).

2. The existing class still allows the benefit of using the Collection 
APIs to manipulate the Map: you can call .getParameterMap() and go from 
there. However, I would expect this to be an advanced use-case.

3. To add a method to that accepts a Map and turns it into 
a 'www-form-urlencoded' query string would be to incorporate details 
from the HTML spec into the URI class. At present, the URI class is only 
concerned with the RFC 2396 URI spec - not anything HTML specific. I 
thought you'd prefer it to stay that way? Indeed, that was one of your 
objections to some of my earlier designs, many months ago.

Look forward to hearing from you,


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